Teaching and Learning During a U.S. Presidential Election

Presidential elections in the U.S. are often marked by rhetorical intensity and heightened emotion. To support yourself and your students in the immediate pre- and post-election periods, here are some reminders and resources that might be useful.
During the pre-election period:
- Remember that students, faculty, and staff hold a range of perspectives, come from different experiences and backgrounds, and are likely to be differentially impacted by the election.
- Whether you want to engage in sustained discussion about the election in class/studio or not, please prepare in advance and frame the approach you are taking so that students know what to expect.
- If you have not already established a community learning agreement, you might consider doing so now.
- Please remind your students that neither your political leanings nor theirs will impact how you will support them in advancing their work in your class/studio.
During the post-election period:
- Remind students that the election results may not be immediately clear.
- Consider acknowledging that uncertainty about the results may make it challenging to concentrate.
- Encourage students to engage their peer and family networks for support.
Remind students about the RISD resources available to them: Health and Wellness | RISD Student Hub
Deliberative Dialogue Discussions (Project Pericles)
Dialogue Deck: A Conversation Exercise for Political Reflection (University of Michigan Museum of Art)
Establishing Community Agreements and Classroom Norms (Cornell University, Center for Teaching Innovation)
Maintaining Campus Community During the 2024 Election: A Guide for Leaders, Faculty, and Staff (Constructive Dialogue Institute)
- Teaching After an Election (Boston College, Center for Teaching Excellence)
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